Monday 25 March 2013

Taking "NEW" out of news

Hello internet, i'm sorry, would you prefer the capital I? Fine then,

Hello Internet, there, that's your name now, I will probably not care in the future.

Now to the topic that gave me the inclination to look here in the first place...

Chris "The Masterpiece" Masters of WWE fame saved his mother last week by uprooting a tree, throwing said tree into his mothers burning house, then leaving with said mother in tow.

Why was his mothers house burning down you ask? Well the answer is rather obvious really, the mother's neighbour barricaded himself inside her home and set the house on fire when Chris eventually called the police after failed negotiations to let his mother out.

So, Whats the moral of the story? DO. NOT. SET. MRS. MASTERS HOUSE ON FIRE. simple yet beautiful, really.

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