Friday 31 May 2013

It's the 161st birthday of some old guy... thanks Google

So the guy above is Julius Richard Petri, he in vented the Petri dish.

While it may sound tasteful good old Julius was no chef, he was a bacteriologist from Germany.

Thus as you may imagine his discovery was involved with bacteria. The Petri dish is actually a small glass dish that is used to place bacteria and watch grow. Terrible description but consult a textbook and not the internet if you are interested in century old inventions for studying bacteria.
The Google of today goes from this (above)

To this (above)
But why are you here and not looking up your essay on Google brat. get gone already.

PS This is not a mailing service
PPS I shaare a name with this guy
PSPS His birthday is 2 days after mine.

Thursday 30 May 2013

What's with proprietary hardware these days?

What you see is the Sims 2 UMD for the Play Station Portable, this proprietary piece of techy trash was probably the must useless, umimspired piece of DRM trash ever. Really Sony? how effective do you think that was? I know a guy that used to make a mint off seperating discs from that container with the UMD sticker on it, and selling the piece of plastic and charging to teach people why they bought it off him, because really he only needed one plastic disc box to act as a second case in order to run the games he kept or sold seperately. Honestly i'm glad they replaced it with online only downloads.

Oh wait...

The case probably cost more than the actual chip material wise.

Renewing the Console Wars

So the year is 2013, the current generation of consoles is 7-8 years old, and Microsoft and Sony finally believe in next gen. Fin-a-f**king-ly. Let's compare the conferences, and other next-gen knowledge.

Let us begin with Sony's  February conference: Games no console.
Xbox conference: TV, Tv, tV, Xbox is the new, well here;

Game-wise I think Ps4 has the PR in their infinite favour for now, hopefully Microsoft will actually impress at E3. Because honestly, innovation stopped with the whole terribly inneficient movement gimmick. wii fitness my arse. The kinect and the PSMove were never made into anything that brought more than dancing to the party anyway. and I'm fairly certain dancing was before all this e-jazz. sorry i-jazz.

feels like 300 degrees, also Warships

it's probably only 20, damnitall.

In other news, the American Navy is considering including 3d printers on their aircraft carriers.

Yay military advancement.

*blows that kazoo thing that people use on celebrations of random crap that always sounds terrible*

An Interesting Graphic Novel

I read this a good while back, and enjoyed all three volumes of Svetlana Chmakova's very interesting mystical magical graphic novel.

Really I don't want to spoil things but the synopsis for vol. 1 will be paraphrased,

Alex, weirn in the making, homeschooled since birth, has lost her sister and tutor to unknown forces and when everyone else loses memory of her sweet little Alex must rely on her own half-arsed skills, her cookie craving familiar, and her silky robe to save her from forces unknown.

To all you that have money, go to a bookstore and buy it. To all you cheapskates myself included, your local library probably has it in stock. :D

I like Star Treks Online champions world of universes. Question Mark?

If you couldn't tell, this is gameplay
Star Trek Online, panned for all mmo aspects but dominates free to play ship battles in the awesome universe of... I've never watched Star Trek so really Spock dies is all my knowledge.

Anyway ST O is a fantastic f2p mmo based in the Star Trek universe where you as the player can now command your own ship with your own alien/human, both of which are of your own design, and do battle in small terrible ground fights to the most epic 50 ship battles for war that really gives you that feeling of simple epic elegance. A dance between colossus ships in the infinite void of space can occur for the most experienced Shipmaster to the little green upstart with the proportions of Gollum. I love every bit of the space battles, non-battle land zones, and even the in-depth  character customization system.

This is also gameplay... unfortunate, terrible, gameplay.
Now the rather terribly presented, horribly executed, and somehow evident to the large amount of effort put in, the ground combat is the number one reason why this game is not worth the full twenty gb update. Sad really. But to be specific, environment wise, assets are reused over and over again with slight tweaks, corridors appear again and again, and if you don't get stuck on terrain, it is because you are on a flat plane of nothing. UI wise there are so many screens popping up everywhere that you can't see what you're shooting, and there is so much text that it is information ovcerload. Yet somehow SCE tried to make the game action based when there are just terrible hotkeys that stop all movement breaking the user from the experience entirely.

Now for all I've slammed the game on it's extremely weak ground combat, I can still give it a solid 7/10 for the fact that you only choose everything you do, past the tutorial you accept what missions, jobs, instances, war battles you involve yourself with. This game has the most enjoyable space combat ever, excluding maybe EVE Online, but that I'm to afraid to play with how life sucked my friend Eddie looked when he played for a week. So those of you who like Star Trek feel free to avoid this for everything but the unoverse. People who just like free to play I can heartily recommend this game and would invite you to view the enlistment trailer below:

Welcome, to Summoner's Rift, the lorey intro

But not really.

The Legends of League, where old guys in robes force moving rocks, astronaut furry midgets, pirates, spectrals, robots, and little girls that throw fiery teddy bears, to do epic battle on the same four battlefields which sometimes have holiday decorations. But really only two are played.

League of Legends, self-proclaimed moba so it is not a DOTAShdglkhn cone which if you did not know is not a thing but Defense of the Ancients 2 is.

Mobas (Multi-player online battle arenas) or Dota clones are  games of 5v5  team-based battles between all kinds of various summons which in the case of LoL are the denizens of Demacia. There are about a million more pages of lore where Anubis is the brother of a crocodile with double blades, And a wizard is made of lightning. more on gameplay eventually.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Rob Ford isn't Addicted, Says Rob Ford

Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto, Face-Hitter of cameras, accused drug addict?!

Rob Ford during a press conference.
Ford has been ridiculed often and has not been seen in the best light for some time now. Accused of various drug habits that the good old mayor has denied indirectly in quote; "I do not use crack cocaine, and I am not addicted to crack cocaine."
A news video that includes a section on Ford.

Gawker renowned gossip site recently released an article stating they have been offered video proof of Ford's alleged drug use and will be given access to it for a smooth $200 grand payment. They have thus started an Indiegogo fundraiser for the $200,000 needed. There has been included a $10,000 benchmark prize for the Iphone that recorded the video proof. This has now been claimed.

The Indiegogo has finished and raised a grand total of $201,254 so video proof should soon be revealed.

For a list of bench mark prizes go here:

For Gawker's article on the matter go here:

That is all.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Playing in the Sandbox

So I've been enjoying the wonders of the sandbox since I entered the gaming realm, and I have been revisiting my first love.

Sleeping Dogs, published by Square Enix, is GTA mixed with Arkham City and a touch of awesome, minus the multiplayer.

In Sleeping Dogs, you play as Wei Shen, young gun from the U.S. come back to Hong Kong to have a re-restart in life. At least, that's the cover story, in reality you're an undercover cop for the FBI with the goal of embedding yourself in the Sun On Yee to give the FBI a handle on Hong Kong crime and put a stop to it. Keep a hold of who you are Officer Wei, because Hong Kong makes, what it can break.

What you see above this is the third chapter in the hilarious game series, Saints Row. From the streets of Stilwater the Third Street Saints have risen from a small street gang to international pop icons. From waiting around the corner with a baseball bat to making people dance before they explode with your very own octopus launcher, straight from stereotypical Japan, this game Has. It. All. In this game you customize your character to be whoever you want and there is a section for sex appeal! ffs this game is obscene absurd and all-round awesome. Destroy Steelport with predator missiles or giant balls of yarn, this city is your oyster and YOU. ARE. NEPTUNE!!!!!

all the yes.

Assassins Creed 3. Where native american Connor is out for vengeance on his father for the death of his mother in the middle of the American Revolution. Fun sandbox in singleplayer, weak story, weaker advancements tech-wise, better multiplayer even though it's weaker than AC: Revelations.

AC3 is a fantastic game if you are looking for an existing multiplayer scene considering that older iterations have lost all their luster in favour of the newest in the series. Fun more because there are lot's of new more interesting maps and just new characters alongside a few mechanics. Revelations holds a lot more excitement in my mind when I get a chance to play a game these days. So much more intense, more strategic gameplay, etc.. Only problem; NO ONE IS PLAYING AC:R DAMNIT! So yeah, AC3 works for now.

Awesome Story in every sense. You get to ride a zebra. If I said much more it would be spoilers.
But seriously riding around the wild west on donkeys and bulls throwing hatchets, and killing cannibals is pretty beastly. My favourite well rounded game of 2010, this game is never boring and holds an enthralling story. The multiplayer held an awesome scene too. So as you can see, spoilers.

So that's all I got on this end. Be back soon.

Thursday 2 May 2013


of Gotham City that is.

GCI is a WB game that is a very silly version of Cod of Duty. Sorry, Call of Duty. very silly.

Gotham City Imposters is an fps (First Person Shooter) multiplayer online battle arena  in a similar style to Team Fortress 2 with it's fancy clothing options and overall wacky theme, and Call of Duty simple drop-in drop out gameplay. All with a 15$ pricetag on console, and now free to play on Steam.

GCI follows the simple standard of ACHIEVE ACHIEVE ACHIEVE where they give you rewards from cosmetic to practical for every thing you do, medals for suicides, killstreaks, time spent flying, and even swapping loadouts.

But you want to hear more about the flying bit, don't you?

Yes you can fly.
See a more interesting bit about GCI than pointless achievements are these "Gadgets" that are part of your ingame loadouts which allow you to perform various actions throughout the game. one such gadget is a gliding rig, which in combo with roid rage steve means human divebombs for days...

There are also jetpacks so you can land on people, targeting goggles, ninja smoke bombs, roller skates, grappling hooks, inflatable shoes, body armour (Trash Can on chest), and more.

Gotham City Imposters boasts a 1000 level progression system which is really just 10 prestiges of 100 levels with terribly spread unlock keys, meaning you need to accept a promotion to gaim access to weapons you did not unlock earlier


For all the cosmetics that GCI does have I don't appreciate the microtransactions needed on ps3 for the newer stuff like pirate outfits and ninja heads.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Superman as the badguy?!?!?!




Alright so NetherRealm Studios decided to take another go at DC in their fighting games.
Probably going to be as fantastic as their last one right?
If you did not in fact know, their last game was Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Slammed across the board, MK vs DCU left these guys with a fairly annoyed fanbase.
MK9 is still a fantastic game. And Injustice: Gods Among Us will hopefully bring Nether's standard back up.

Injustice, released earlier this month has been recieving much appreciation from critics the internet round.
Superman is the antagonist. Superman is OP. DC is imba.


In other, MORE IMPORTANT BETTER  news. Watch Dogs has a release date.

