Tuesday 28 May 2013

Rob Ford isn't Addicted, Says Rob Ford

Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto, Face-Hitter of cameras, accused drug addict?!

Rob Ford during a press conference.
Ford has been ridiculed often and has not been seen in the best light for some time now. Accused of various drug habits that the good old mayor has denied indirectly in quote; "I do not use crack cocaine, and I am not addicted to crack cocaine."
A news video that includes a section on Ford.

Gawker renowned gossip site recently released an article stating they have been offered video proof of Ford's alleged drug use and will be given access to it for a smooth $200 grand payment. They have thus started an Indiegogo fundraiser for the $200,000 needed. There has been included a $10,000 benchmark prize for the Iphone that recorded the video proof. This has now been claimed.

The Indiegogo has finished and raised a grand total of $201,254 so video proof should soon be revealed.

For a list of bench mark prizes go here:

For Gawker's article on the matter go here:

That is all.

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